October 01, 2024

How We Look at Legislation

In the world of policy advocacy, one of the most crucial tasks is analyzing and understanding legislation. Whether you're a lobbyist, business owner, or community leader, understanding how laws are written, interpreted, and implemented can have profound effects on your industry or cause. At EPIC Policy Group, we take a structured approach to reviewing and influencing legislation to ensure that our clients' interests are represented effectively. Here’s an inside look at how we approach legislation and why it matters for our clients.

1. Start with the Text: Understanding the Basics of Legislative Language

The first step in reviewing any piece of legislation is to carefully examine the text itself. Laws are written in a specific language—legalese—which can be dense and complicated for the uninitiated. Understanding the structure and terminology used in legislative text is critical. The text provides the foundation upon which all subsequent interpretation is based. This means we focus on the plain language of the bill, paying close attention to:

  • Key Definitions: Many pieces of legislation include specific definitions for terms that might otherwise be interpreted more broadly. This section sets the stage for how the law will be enforced and understood in the real world.
  • Legal Framework: The provisions of the law define who is affected, what actions are required or prohibited, and what the penalties or incentives are. These are the nuts and bolts of the legislation.
  • Scope and Impact: We assess how far-reaching the law is—whether it applies to a specific group, industry, or is more universal in application.

At this stage, the goal is to break down the complexities and determine the immediate effects of the legislation on the client’s interests.

2. Historical and Legislative Context: Where Does This Fit?

Once we understand the text of the bill, we examine its broader context. No good piece of legislation is written in a vacuum. We look at the historical precedents and legislative history to better understand the motivations behind the bill and its potential impact. This helps us answer questions like:

  • What problem is this legislation trying to solve?
  • How does it fit into the broader legal framework?
  • What existing laws does it complement, modify, or conflict with?

For example, if we’re working on a bill regarding data privacy, we’ll look at past privacy laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)[1] or General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)[2] in Europe. Understanding these historical benchmarks helps us assess how this new legislation compares and what potential issues may arise during implementation or enforcement.

3. Intent of the Legislators: Why Was This Law Written?

After understanding the text and context, it’s important to understand the intent of the lawmakers. Legislative intent refers to what the drafters of the bill aimed to achieve. This can often be gleaned from:

  • Legislative Debates: During the process of passing a bill, lawmakers engage in discussions and debates. These debates often highlight the reasons for the bill’s introduction and what the bill seeks to accomplish.
  • Committee Reports: When a bill is reviewed by a legislative committee, they often issue a report explaining the purpose of the legislation. These reports are invaluable for understanding the finer points of the bill.
  • Statements by Sponsors: The lawmakers who sponsor a bill often provide insight into the specific goals of the legislation. Their public statements and press releases are useful in interpreting what the law is supposed to do.

Understanding legislative intent is crucial because, in some cases, courts rely on it to interpret ambiguous provisions. By understanding why a bill was introduced, we can better predict how it will be applied and whether it aligns with our client’s interests.

4. Evaluate the Stakeholders: Who Wins and Who Loses?

One of the most important parts of analyzing legislation is determining who will be impacted by it. Every law creates winners and losers. Identifying these groups early on helps us to either rally allies or prepare to counteract opposition. We ask:

  • Who benefits from this legislation? For example, a tax break for small businesses would clearly benefit entrepreneurs and start-ups, while a new regulation might benefit established corporations by raising the cost of entry for new competitors.
  • Who is hurt by this legislation? A new environmental regulation might impose significant compliance costs on manufacturers, but those costs might, in turn, benefit communities by reducing pollution.

This analysis of stakeholders is crucial in building coalitions and understanding where pushback might come from. Knowing the power dynamics around a piece of legislation helps us craft strategic advocacy efforts, whether it’s building support or defending against potential backlash.

5. Legal and Constitutional Considerations: Is This Law Constitutional?

In some cases, legislation may be vulnerable to legal challenges based on constitutional principles or other laws. At EPIC Policy Group, we work to ensure that any legislation we support or oppose is legally sound. When reviewing legislation, we consider:

  • Constitutionality: Does the legislation violate any constitutional protections? This is particularly important when dealing with issues related to civil liberties, such as gun rights or free speech.
  • Precedent: How have courts ruled on similar issues in the past? Understanding judicial precedent can give us a good sense of how a law might be interpreted if challenged in court.
  • Potential Legal Challenges: If the legislation is likely to face a lawsuit, we help our clients prepare for that scenario. This may involve working to craft arguments that defend the law or find ways to mitigate legal risks.

For example, if we are dealing with firearm-related legislation, we carefully review Second Amendment jurisprudence and recent court rulings to ensure that the proposed law is consistent with established constitutional interpretations.

6. Implementation and Enforcement: How Will This Law Be Put into Action?

Even the best-written law is meaningless if it cannot be effectively implemented or enforced. That’s why we pay close attention to how the law will be carried out in practice. This includes:

  • Regulatory Agencies: Many laws delegate authority to regulatory agencies to implement specific provisions. We look at which agency will be responsible and how they are likely to enforce the law.
  • Funding and Resources: Does the law provide adequate funding for implementation? Many good laws fail because they are underfunded or lack the necessary infrastructure for enforcement.
  • Compliance Requirements: How difficult will it be for businesses or individuals to comply with the law? We evaluate whether the compliance burden is reasonable and what steps need to be taken to ensure clients can meet the law’s requirements.

Understanding the practical implications of legislation is crucial for providing clients with actionable advice. If a law is too burdensome or likely to be inconsistently enforced, we work with legislators to address those concerns before the bill becomes law.

7. Strategic Action: How Do We Influence the Outcome?

Once we've thoroughly analyzed the legislation, the next step is developing a strategy to influence its passage or defeat. Our approach may include:

  • Direct Lobbying: Engaging directly with legislators to advocate for changes to the bill that align with our client’s interests. This might involve meetings with key lawmakers, providing testimony at committee hearings, or offering amendments to improve the bill.
  • Building Coalitions: Partnering with other organizations, businesses, or interest groups that share our position on the bill. A broad coalition can amplify our message and increase the likelihood of success.
  • Grassroots Advocacy: Mobilizing our client’s supporters to contact their legislators, write letters, or participate in advocacy campaigns. Engaging constituents can be a powerful tool in shaping legislative outcomes.

By developing a comprehensive advocacy strategy, we ensure that our clients’ voices are heard and their interests are protected throughout the legislative process.

The Power of Legislative Insight

At EPIC Policy Group, our job is to understand the complex world of legislation and translate it into actionable insights for our clients. By breaking down each bill and understanding its text, context, intent, stakeholders, legal implications, and practical enforcement, we can help our clients navigate the legislative process with confidence.

Whether you’re a business leader, industry association, or community organization, understanding how to analyze and influence legislation is essential to achieving your policy goals. With the right approach, you can not only anticipate the impact of new laws but also play an active role in shaping them to work in your favor.


[1] California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) | State of California .... 13 Mar. 2024, https://www.oag.ca.gov/privacy/ccpa.

[2] General data protection regulation (GDPR) - EUR-Lex.\ 01 Jul. 2022, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/EN/legal-content/summary/general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr.html.