August 21, 2023

Pray for my friend John. He lives in Delaware

Delaware's recent gun restrictions, which include the creation of roving gun-free zones, have ignited debates about the balance between public safety and Second Amendment rights (Bearing Arms, 2023). These restrictions prohibit concealed carry within 1,000 feet of certain locations, such as schools, entertainment properties, and polling locations, raising concerns among critics and legal experts. You see, my friend John is a Pastor of a Biker Church in Delaware. His church is designated as a “gun-free zone”. At least he doesn’t live in New York. In New York, parades and protests are designated gun-free zones. You may be standing quietly on a street, in full compliance with the law, and within a minute, you could be in violation of the law because the gun-free zone came to you while you were stationary. As the New York Daily News Editorial Board wrote, “Where does a big parade or roving protest’s no-gun zone begin and end?


The New Restrictions

The laws' broad definition of "Safe School and Recreation Zone" encompasses various locations, including sports stadiums and vehicles rented by schools (Bearing Arms, 2023). Critics argue that this broad definition may unintentionally affect law-abiding citizens, such as university professors renting cars for business (Bearing Arms, 2023). Can you imagine being arrested and charged with a crime because you were driving a rental car?

Critics' Concerns

The primary criticism is that these gun-free zones primarily disarm lawful citizens while having little effect on criminals and those intent on violence (Bearing Arms, 2023). The Delaware State Code of Regulations supports this interpretation (Bearing Arms, 2023). Concerns about the safety of trained and permitted university employees in the face of potential threats have also been raised.

Delaware's new roving gun-free zones present complex issues requiring careful consideration of individual rights, public safety, legal interpretations, and societal needs. A thorough evaluation based on evidence and inclusive of various perspectives will be crucial in shaping future discussions on gun control policies in Delaware. In the meantime, pray for my friend John.



Bearing Arms. (2023). Delaware's dumb new roving gun-free zone. Retrieved from