July 07, 2024

Worldviews are important

There are certain events in our lives that shape who we are. Some change us in a good way, some change us in a bad way. I have had both happen. In my almost 58 years I have endured. All that I have experienced has helped shape my worldview and what I believe.

I grew up with a single mom who worked her ass off to provide for us. Sometimes she was able to, sometimes it was thin. But she never quit. She may be gone now but she fought breast cancer until the very end without ever quitting.

Two enlistments in the Marine Corps infantry and being in combat has made me skeptical on who I trust. Those guys I served with over the years are the best sons a bitches I could have ever encountered. Twice we were Crew Served champions. We were the “Tip of the Spear”, Task Force Ripper in Desert Storm. First Team charging the gates of hell for Jim Mattis. Not because of who he was, but for those guys to my left and right. Semper Fidelis.

I had the honor of being able to pastor two churches. Being able to lead people to a life changing experience with their Savior.

I am a father of a son and two daughters. As a dad, it is up to me to make sure they have a fair chance to succeed on their own merits. That the girls have grown up to be strong, independent women who can think for themselves. When I first held my oldest daughter, it scared me to my soul. In that moment I realized I needed to change the world.

I still fight for liberty and freedom. Not because I still hold my oath sacred which I do. Not because of the generations in my family who swore that same oath. Not for my friends who are no longer with us. But because I have seen with my own eyes the results of a people who have no liberty or freedom. I have seen abject poverty. I have seen despots raping their country. I have seen how great our nation’s ideals are and I want to be able to make sure every single individual has the opportunities that I have. The opportunity to be a proud American.

So, when you look at someone, take a step back and ponder what has shaped their worldview. You see, our nation, our Constitution, our liberty and freedom is not for a gender, a certain skin color or ethnic background. It is open to all.

That’s my worldview.

Semper Fidelis.