June 29, 2024

What does the recent SCOTUS decision mean to Arizona business?

The Supreme Court's decision yesterday to overrule the Chevron doctrine marks a significant shift in the judicial review of agency interpretations of statutes, mandating courts to independently interpret statutes without deferring to agency interpretations solely due to statutory ambiguity. 

This judicial shift could offer several potential benefits to small businesses in Arizona:


1. Increased Judicial Scrutiny of Agency Regulations:

Small businesses often face a labyrinth of federal regulations that can be complex and burdensome. Under the Chevron doctrine, agencies had broad leeway to interpret ambiguous statutes, sometimes resulting in regulations that imposed heavy compliance costs on small businesses. With courts now required to independently interpret statutes, there is potential for more balanced and reasonable regulatory outcomes. This independent scrutiny can prevent overly stringent or unreasonable agency interpretations from becoming the law, reducing the regulatory burden on small businesses.


2. Enhanced Legal Predictability and Stability:

Small businesses thrive in environments where legal and regulatory frameworks are stable and predictable. The Chevron doctrine, by allowing significant deference to agency interpretations, sometimes led to abrupt regulatory changes based on shifting agency perspectives. The Supreme Court's ruling can contribute to a more stable regulatory environment. Courts’ independent interpretation of statutes can lead to more consistent and predictable legal outcomes, providing small businesses with clearer guidelines for compliance and reducing the uncertainty associated with fluctuating agency interpretations.


3. Greater Accountability and Transparency:

The requirement for independent judicial review enhances accountability and transparency in the regulatory process. Agencies must now ensure that their regulations are firmly grounded in statutory authority, as they cannot rely on judicial deference to justify ambiguous interpretations. This increased accountability can compel agencies to engage in more thorough and transparent rule-making processes, involving stakeholders, including small businesses, in a more meaningful way. Small businesses in Arizona can benefit from a more transparent regulatory process where their concerns and inputs are considered more rigorously.


4. Reduction in Compliance Costs:

Small businesses often operate with limited resources and tight budgets, making regulatory compliance a significant concern. Independent judicial interpretation can lead to the invalidation of overly burdensome or ambiguous regulations that were previously upheld under the Chevron framework. This reduction in unwarranted regulatory burdens can lower compliance costs for small businesses, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently towards growth and innovation.


5. Empowerment Through Legal Challenges:

Small businesses may feel more empowered to challenge regulatory actions they perceive as unjust or overreaching. Knowing that courts will independently review the statutory basis of agency regulations, small businesses might be more willing to pursue legal challenges against regulations that negatively impact their operations. This empowerment can lead to a more balanced regulatory landscape where small businesses can protect their interests more effectively.


6. Encouragement of Fair Competition:

Regulations that are excessively influenced by agency interpretations can sometimes create uneven playing fields, favoring larger businesses with more resources to navigate complex regulatory environments. Independent judicial review can help ensure that regulations are fair and equitable, promoting a competitive business environment. Small businesses in Arizona can benefit from a level playing field where regulations are applied consistently and fairly, fostering healthy competition.


Arizona has been a beacon for business growth. This Supreme Court decision will only foster the ability for Arizona to continue to be a leader in business growth and innovation. Canyon State Business Alliance applauds this decision and looks forward to assisting Arizona businesses in understanding how to move forward in understanding how regulatory compliance will impact their specific business model.


Michael Infanzon is the managing partner for EPIC Policy Group. EPIC Policy is a boutique legislative advocacy/lobbying firm focused on solutions for their clients. EPIC Policy Group represents a myriad of clients, including the Canyon State Business Alliance, on the local, state and federal levels.