August 08, 2023

Bloombergers et al. Go Full Alinsky: Unraveling the Anti-Gun Agenda in Youth Study

In a recent study titled "U.S. Youth Attitudes on Guns[1]," conducted by Michael Bloomberg's Everytown for Gun Safety[2], the Southern Poverty Law Center[3] (SPLC), and the Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab[4] (PERIL), alarming claims have been made about pro-gun youth. This study, funded by various anti-gun organizations and even the U.S. Department of Homeland Security[5], attempts to label young gun owners as racists and male supremacists. As a staunch Second Amendment advocate, I feel compelled to address the flaws in this research and the potential motivations behind it.

Phase 1: Pro-Gun Media Examination

The study's first phase involved analyzing 68 online, pro-gun media sources, including social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Facebook, 4chan, and blogs. Unsurprisingly, the authors handpicked 15 channels that fit their preconceived narrative, focusing on high-engagement content. This biased approach sets the tone for the rest of the study. Are you surprised?

Phase 2: Youth Survey

The researchers surveyed more than 4,000 youths aged 14 to 30, without adequately justifying why they considered 19- to 30-year-olds as "youth." The study claims that a majority of these young individuals viewed "gun violence" as a problem, and a significant percentage reported easy access to firearms and experience with active shooter lockdowns. However, these statistics alone do not prove any association between gun ownership and racist or male supremacist beliefs.

Questionable Findings

The most contentious part of the study involves linking a young person's access to guns, identification with gun culture, and exposure to media relating to guns with concerning beliefs such as support for male supremacy and the belief that the Second Amendment grants individuals the right to overthrow the government. The study also alleges higher levels of racial resentment and post-traumatic stress disorders among these youths.

Questionable Sources

The study referenced over 50 books, studies, reports, and news stories from various media outlets, including CNN and The New York Times. Remarkably, four of these reports were written by Everytown for Gun Safety[6], raising concerns about biased sourcing.

The Agenda Unveiled

This study appears to be part of a broader Bloomberg-led campaign to advance their anti-gun agenda. By deliberately targeting youth and painting them as racists and male supremacists, the authors aim to create a public perception of gun owners as dangerous and unstable individuals. This deceptive tactic seeks to undermine the Second Amendment and discredit those who support it.

I firmly reject the notion that pro-gun youth, or any gun owners for that matter, should be falsely labeled as racist or male supremacists. It is essential to remain critical of such biased research and to defend our rights against deceptive propaganda. We must stand united to protect the rights and liberties enshrined in the Constitution.

Support your state and federal RKBA organizations. Here in Arizona we have the Arizona Citizens Defense League ( I encourage you to join them and stand up for your freedoms without being labeled.

Thanks to Stephen at for the heads up on this. 






[6] ibid